What You Need to Know about HIV: Why and How to Get Screened
Symptoms of HIV fluctuate dependent on the stage of the virus. Beginning signs contain fever, fatigue, sore throat, and genital ulcers. Other extreme signs of HIV are shaking chills, higher fever of a hundred degrees fahrenheit for numerous weeks, white spots or lesions in the mouth and tongue, skin rash, weight loss, and blurred or distorted vision.
HIV is a virus that can be congenital or transmitted via numerous kinds of sexual intercourse, unsanitary needles, and issues of that sort, exactly where blood is shared in between two individuals in which 1 or the other is infected with the virus. HIV does not come from toilet seats or saliva.
To take an HIV test, get in touch with your physician or go to a totally free clinic. A physician will then test you by abstracting a blood sample or a saliva sample. Test outcomes might not come in rapidly, and on uncommon event can take up to 6 months to procedure. The cause for the outcome delay is due to the improvement of the antibodies in the physique.
If HIV is not handled, it can sadly lead to AIDS and other infections this kind of as cancer, viral infections, bacterial infections, parasites, and fungal infections all through the physique. The length of the procedure for the virus is unknown but can be fatal. Detecting and treating HIV in ladies who are pregnant, can considerably decrease the danger of transmission.
There is no remedy for HIV but there are a number of issues that can be carried out to stop this virus from spreading. Firstly, if you have the virus, make your sexual companion conscious of this important info so that they are protected and prevented from getting this illness. Use a new condom every time you have sex whether or not it be anal, vaginal, or oral, and usually use clean needles. If you are pregnant and have the virus, look for therapy instantly. Do not use oil-primarily based lubricants simply because this can trigger condoms to brake. Finally, get tested to know for certain whether or not you are infected or not.
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Talking about herbal medicines that can cure herpes simplex virus totally I have always doubted it,I suffered from herpes virus before
Now until I came across testimonies of a African herbalist doctor MOSES ANABIC HERBAL HOME whom had saved and cured individuals. Then I contacted the herbalist he told me I would be cured if I believed so I gave him a try I took his herbs as instructed,after two weeks and four days I began to notice so many changes internal and external of my body.i witnessed myself being cured totally from herpes virus,now I do trust herbal medicines than our medical theraphist that have been deceiving us that herpes had no cure.all thanks to DR MOSES ANABIC HERBAL HOME whom treats all kind of sickness totally, you can contact him through his email mosesanabic@gmail.com or making it easier contact him on WhatsApp with +2348100661264.doctor you are genius.
Much appreciation to Dr Moses anabic,I never believed I would be cured from hiv and hepatitis b,I don't know how to start testifying about this great herbalist whom cured me,I had lived with hiv for three years many therapist deceived me that hiv has no cure rather giving me pills just to keep sustaining the ailment but inside of me I knew I was never free.fortunately my bestie whom was suffering from migraine saw a testimony about dr Moses anabic whom cured a man with kidney cancer,I was amazed and we quickly contacted him told him about our ailment with tear of grief in my eye's.then he prepared a powerful herbs for me and my friend with different prescription on how to take them after three weeks of administering his herbs my body system changed automatically then I felt having a new life,so he advised that I should go for a test in three different medical centres which turned out to be negative surprisingly tears rolled down my eyes in joy.my best friend is also happy being cured from migraine totally after a week and three days of taking her own herb with prescription,all we know is God bless you Dr Moses anabic herbal home.he cures all kind of sickness/virus,don't hesitate to contact him through his personal email (MOSESANABIC@GMAIL.COM)or you can call/chat him with +2348100661264.a problem shared is a problem solved,God bless you doctor.
Doctor Moses anabic i owe you much if not for your herbal medicine I would have still be suffering by my own ignorance,I never believed getting a cure for herpes virus was real until I was cured from herpes virus by doctor moses anabic herbal home whom cured all kinds of ailments and diseases be open and trust doctor Moses anabic he will help solve your health problems contact him on his email (mosesanabic@gmail.com ), you can still write him on WhatsApp with +2348100661264.I owe you much doctor Moses anabic.herpes has a cure.
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